Thursday, November 25, 2010

F*#k Yeah!! #2 & Thanksgiving

Actually these two thoughts are not mutually exclusive; they are inter-dependent from my perspective. I'm wishing everyone a pleasant Thanksgiving Day and I'm thanking the the BaseBall gods for my hometown's San Francisco Giants...the undisputable World Champines!!

Referenced Blog Posts:

10/3/2010----"...want a champagne shower?"
11/3/2010----SF Giants are World Champs!!!"

For you fans and non-fans, I'd like to share this You Tube video/song with you for the its refrain & complicated lyrics:

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Glittering Christmas Gifts

My good bud, da Sheriff of da Canyon ( recently posted a suggested Christmas gift. Hey, the gift is nice and creative, but it is really not a SERIOUS gift for someone special. If you want such contact my other bud, Johnny da Jewler.
Check out some of his original fly angling related items below. I believe these are sterling silver. My wife has "danglies" such as the earings & pendant with stone. If you want something special he'll create a one of a kind...providing you got the pesos, denaros, shekels, bread or bannanas.The above is a belt-buckle...incredible jumping trout; earrings or pendant

Sunday, November 21, 2010

End of "Regular" Season

It is official, the "regular" season is over. This also applies to my guiding season; although I did guide last year on December 5 0f last year (see December 2009's Frozen Fingers & Icey Guides).

Currently we're in the midst of our first serious winter snow-storm of the season. As of 2 PM today we've received 2 feet PLUS of snow at our back deck at our home at 6500'. The attached image will give you a perspective.
The sun has attempted to peak through on several occasions...very briefly. The snow will continue through early Tuesday. That translates to another 2 feet at my place and minimally another 4 feet on the high peaks; which I'm predicting at cumulatively high-up at 8 feet on new snow. All this bodes well for a good wet winter that will definitely benefit the local trout fisheries.
...My perpetually lighted front-yard forest

A view from our bedroom

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Name This Trout...

...and where was it caught?

Veterans Day

...just a note of thanks to those who served; willingly or not...right or wrong. I personally salute all those who have served.

PS---Received 5" of snow as of Monday morning at my place at 6500' in Truckee. Winter is pretty much here. Nevertheless I'll be on the water tommorrow (11/12) for some last licks, and as long as I can reach and effectively fish both main rivers here, the BT (big Truckee) and LT (Little Truckee).

Monday, November 8, 2010

Definition #8 DANGLIES


Those "must have" items that we hang on our fly fishing vests, packs or lanyards; nippers, hemos, tippet spools, floatant etc.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

SF Giants are World Champs!!!

Finally... after 56 years in San Francisco. What a wondrous journey. The San Francisco Giants are atop the baseball world. How nice it is to stick-it to all the pundits who gave SF's motley & eclectic crew of youngsters/oldsters and story-book characters...NO CHANCE...against the likes of the Phillies and Rangers. How sweet it is!


Oh, been wanting to write a report. Quickly; had some snow over a week ago. The rain/snow blew-out the BT for several days and now it is flowing clearly and nicely. Best time to fish it is mid-day. You'll see few bugs; so dredging near the bottom is the best method right now. Best I've seen as of late are mostly wild RainBows to 14"...I do not count the "club" fish as legit. Generic patterns remain the staples; no sophisication needed.

The LT was fishing great for about 3 weeks with the unsettled weather; slowed a bit this last few days. Through most of October there were tremendous emergences of various aquatics...and lots of heads at the surface. Today we have nice fall weather and clear skies. The rising trout and intense hatches have nevertheless produced decent sessions for both clients and myself; 5-7 fish to hand; biggest being both Rainbows and Browns to 18". Producing flies have been; #8-12 San Juans, Eggs to BWO emergers and Midge larva down to tiny #24.