Friday, March 31, 2017


...was thinking this was another easy one similar to TT #28...Got to make things easier?


Horner's Corner is  located 6 miles east of the town of Truckee via interstate #80. One first passes the "West Bridge" and after a 1/4 mile one crosses the "East Bridge", This area is known as "The Loop".

The big pool at the apex of "The Loop" (below the dripping/water stained sandstone cliff) is named after Jack Horner who originated the Deer Hair Horner fly ...alternately known as the Goofus Bug or the Humpy.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Throw-Back PR #2...Early Season: May & June

Below is a loooong-ago, throw-back from Thy Rod & Staff's first, printed, 8-panel brochure; circa 1984. It was part of the brochure's The Seasons section entitled Early Season: May & June.

"Spring brings volumes of snow run-off. The main Truckee River, flowing out of Lake Tahoe, is an 'iffy' proposition. Consequently, the small tributary creeks and streams become a primary target. They host unselective, but wary, trout that can be readily taken on attractor dries or suggestive nymphs. Opportunity for performing a 'hat trick' of rainbows, brooks and browns is a likely proposition. A 14" fish would be considered a trophy.

The Little Trucke River sustains a larger population of trout. 18"-20" browns are known to inhabit some of the meadow sections below the headwaters of Weber Lake. They show themselves at dusk; about the only time they are vulnerable to a well-placed fly.

The lakes are prime during this period. After a wintry season of marginal sustenance, browns and rainbows are taken by determined float-tubers. On Milton Lake (2-limit; single, barbless artificials only; maximum 12") imitations of all stages of the Callibaetis, damsel and dragonfly nymphs produce quarry in the 1-3 pound range. If you are fortunate, you may witness a flying-ant migration; Milton Browns have been known to aggressively and steadily work the surface for 2-3 hours.

At Martis Lake (no-kill single barbless artificials only), California's first "Wild Trout" lake, the trophy 5-8 pound browns are taken on deeply sunk, properly manipulated leech and dragonfly nymph imitations. Redband Rainbows, Lahontan Cutthroat and "cut-bows" are available in more manageable sizes".

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Musing About Spring 2017

Let'em Breathe!

"With some initial reluctance, we were hesitant to write this article on spring-time fly fishing strategies on California’s moving waters. Then on second thought, considering the below precipitation and the dreaded D-word, fly anglers should envision thinking tactics 6-8 weeks earlier than a “normal” season; as in late-April and May, replicating June and early-July conditions"

Such was the opening paragraph of an article I authored entitled "Musing About Spring" which appeared in the Spring 2014 issue of Sierra Fisherman magazine.

...that got me thinking; the Spring of 2017 in the Truckee area will be the REVERSE of Spring of 2014. Angling and/or water conditions will be a minimum of  four (4) weeks later than a "normal" season...possibly even 6-8 weeks later.   My prognosis is that we'll have plenty of water this season in the Truckee area. The big Truckee should fish well throughout August into September...essentially no "dog days of summer". The only caveat being water temperatures.

Saturday, March 18, 2017



Where is Horner's Corner?

Saturday, March 4, 2017



Locally, what is the infamous "hatch of 1996"? Where did it occur?

Friday, March 3, 2017

Wintertime Fly Anling Advice

Below is a selected excerpt on winter angling on the big Truckee river (BT); from my essay appearing in the current February 2017 issue of California Fly Fisher entitled "Truckee River Primer"

Simply, in winter...Get down where the trout are!...otherwise limited success

"...Wintertime angling has been legal since the 2008 season. From mid-November through March, the savvy Truckee angler doesn’t appear on-stream until midday, when the water is warmest. Access in the snow is always an issue. As needed, I strap on snowshoes to reach my preferred water. Their use prevents “postholing” — punching through the snow crust — which can result in ankle sprains and hyperextended knees. In lieu of the snowshoes, rubber or plastic-soled wading shoes are better than felt soles, which collect big clumps of snow.

Winter trout inhabit soft water — mild currents, shoreline edges, and quiet, deep pools. There are only limited times when you can present a dry fly to surface-feeding trout, so the most productive ploy is to probe subsurface, methodically, "low and slow", because the trout will not move much to intercept your offering.

Whichever load-and-lob method you use, be it tight-lining, indicator fishing, or the currently fashionable, “Euro” nymphing, get the fly down. The fish are at the bottom of the stream, and that is where you need to present the fly. I advise fishing searching rigs featuring tandem big/small flies with lead as needed, or chucking streamers.

The aquatic bugs available to trout during the winter are the ever-present midges in all segments of their life cycle, the ubiquitous little black Winter Stonefly adults that pepper the snow banks, and Skwala Stonefly nymphs and adults. Starting in March, the angler will start seeing the first brood of Blue-Winged Olives and March Brown adults, but there will be few trout actively feeding at the surface".