Mein Kahm...Asian Taco or Thai Salad
I've used the above treat as a stream-side bribe to gain access to a private stretch of the West Walker River in Nevada, in the Humbug valley along-side the banks of Yellow Creek, on the shores of the Sierra's Martis and Miltion lakes, on the McCloud, Upper Sac and on the Truckee River...with a huge granite rock serving as a table top. Richard Anderson included the recipe in a late '90's article in his California Fly Fisher magazine article enumerating unique, outdoor lunches. My nephew Mark of Weed CA introduced me to this meal.
This special stream-side cuisine is an ideal finger-food to add variety and drama to one's fly fishing excursions. What you do is sprinkle various ingredients into a leaf of romaine lettuce, with a dollop of plum sauce. You can mix and match to your heart's content, taste preferences or gastronomical imagination.
Romaine lettuce leafs
Plum Sauce
1---Fresh, or pan-fried, small shrimp in soy sauce
2---Small, very thin, slices of lemon, with rind
3---Dry-roasted peanuts
4---Finely diced ginger
5---Finely diced jalapeno peppers
6---Finely diced red onions
Fill a 6-section cupcake tin, one ingredient to each compartment, and cover tightly with plastic-wrap. Or, if lucky to find, a tightly-sealed Tupperware-type container. Make it as portable as possible; carried in your vest or pack. Put the lettuce in a rigid container to prevent bruised leaves, you want them fresh and crisp; plum sauce separately.
Stream-side, each person selects a leaf of Romaine, places desired ingredients on the leaf, dribbles the concoction with plum sauce; then rolls it up and eats it taco-style. With each bite and each chew, a different sensation is released. This meal is a precursor of what, in current culinary circles, is called "fusion".
Note: This meal is intended for figures, but you can use small plastics spoons.