Friday, February 15, 2019

...And It Continues

This current weather event is the third 3'-6' snow-drop in 3-4 day storm cycles we've experienced in the Truckee-Tahoe during February. Currently, the snow-water equivalent is 161% of historical median and precipitation is 127% of average to date. According to my calculations, projected snow--melt/water run-off is 204% of normal (161 X 1.21= 204).
It sure is "purdy" when there is a break in the me an opportunity to do some snow-clearing on the back-deck via  pushing and shoveling.
Then it gets dark again, wind commences with drifting snow and at times there are white-outs. In-between there is serenity and quiet.
and then it dumps again!
and we provide some fodder for the little, non-migrating, chicadees  

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