Sunday, March 6, 2016

Let'em Breath!"...E-QUICKEY #17..."

Proper Handling?   The current rage is keeping trout wet during handling and prior to release. Apparently "grip and grins" are no longer de-rigueur. But, IMO, if the image is framed prior to a quick "lift & dip";  it is reasonable to image a fleeting moment.

I believe TU has  coined "Keep'em Wet"...or they have co-opted the phrase. So I've decided to "coin" the original "Let'em Breath!".  I'm curious if this phrase catches-on.

E-Quickey #17:3/6/2016---"...we got 6" last night. Sun is out right now...beautiful! BUT, we need a lot more snow just to get us to 100% of normal snow-pack. This current snow is very wet so that bodes well for water content...unfortunately, currently below historical average to date. A MIRACLE MARCH is needed; thus far it is weak. At start of winter, we needed 150% of average to break the drought...Hope I'm wrong, but it ain't going to happen...

NOTE: a photo essay entitled "Let'em Breath!" will be published in the InSight feature of the summer 2016 issue of Sierra Fisherman magazine.

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