Thursday, March 24, 2016

Historical Snow Data for the Sierra Nevada

"Sierra Nevada" is Spanish for "Snowy Range" and the Sierra Nevada lives up to it's name, recording some of the heaviest snow falls in the world. Some interesting records include:

1 day snowfall: 67 inches (5.6 ft.) at Echo Summit, Jan 4, 1982 (2nd in US)

Single storm snowfall: 186.6 inches (15.6 ft.) at Donner Summit, 1982 (2nd in US)

1 month snowfall: 390 inches (32.5 ft.) at Tamarack, Jan. 1991 (US record)

Total winter snowfall: 884 inches (73.7 ft.) Tamarack, 1906-07

Greatest snow depth: 451 inches (37.6 ft.) at Tamarack, Mar. 11, 1911 (US record)

Highest average March snow depth: 108 inches (9 ft.) at Echo Summit

As you would expect, snowfall in the Sierra increases with elevation. The lower foothills only rarely receive any measurable snow. Middle elevations receive a mix of snow and rain during the winter. Above about 6000 ft., the majority of precipitation falls as snow. It is not unusual, in some locations, to have ten feet of snow on the ground for extended periods.

However, snow accumulation does not directly follow precipitation in the Sierra. While the greatest total precipitation occurs in the northern part of the range, the greatest snow accumulation occurs in the central and high southern parts of the range, due to higher elevations and colder temperatures which inhibit snow melt. As expected, snow depths drop dramatically on the east side of the range due to the rain shadow effect.

TRUCKEE TRIVIA # 27...Answer and more


299% of average March snowfall...1995

...and more:

260% of average March snowfall...1991

225% of average March snowfall...2011

Monday, March 7, 2016



What is the highest percentage of average snowfall ever recorded for the month of March...and...what year?

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Let'em Breath!"...E-QUICKEY #17..."

Proper Handling?   The current rage is keeping trout wet during handling and prior to release. Apparently "grip and grins" are no longer de-rigueur. But, IMO, if the image is framed prior to a quick "lift & dip";  it is reasonable to image a fleeting moment.

I believe TU has  coined "Keep'em Wet"...or they have co-opted the phrase. So I've decided to "coin" the original "Let'em Breath!".  I'm curious if this phrase catches-on.

E-Quickey #17:3/6/2016---"...we got 6" last night. Sun is out right now...beautiful! BUT, we need a lot more snow just to get us to 100% of normal snow-pack. This current snow is very wet so that bodes well for water content...unfortunately, currently below historical average to date. A MIRACLE MARCH is needed; thus far it is weak. At start of winter, we needed 150% of average to break the drought...Hope I'm wrong, but it ain't going to happen...

NOTE: a photo essay entitled "Let'em Breath!" will be published in the InSight feature of the summer 2016 issue of Sierra Fisherman magazine.