Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Sage Words from the Icons #11

Heywood "da Mountain Man"...hooked-up!

Fly Fishing

"Fly fishing is the most fun you can have standing up."

Let'em Breathe!

"Fly fishing is the most fun you can have standing up."

Arnold Gingrich, 1969

"Fly fishing is the most fun you can have standing up."

Arnold Gingrich, 1969

"Fly fishing is the most fun you can have standing up."

Arnold Gingrich, 1969

"Fly fishing is the most fun you can have standing up."

Arnold Gingrich, 1969

"Fly fishing is the most fun you can have standing up."

Arnold Gingrich, 1969

"Fly fishing is the most fun you can have standing up."

Arnold Gingrich, 1969

"Fly fishing is the most fun you can have standing up."

Arnold Gingrich, 1969

"Fly fishing is the most fun you can have standing up."

Arnold Gingrich, 1969

"Fly fishing is the most fun you can have standing up."

Arnold Gingrich, 1969

Sunday, June 18, 2017


..they are here, they'll get denser in the coming weeks. Be prepared. They'll eat you like they did to me yesterday.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Truckee Area Angling Conditions

da Entertainer and Captain Chris at the Swimming Hole

My prognosis on Truckee area fly angling conditions are pretty much spot-on relative to this excerpt of my blog entry "Musing About Spring 2017"

"...the Spring of 2017 in the Truckee area will be the REVERSE of Spring of 2014. Angling and/or water conditions will be a minimum of  four (4) weeks later than a "normal" season...possibly even 6-8 weeks later."

...Been plying the local waters and I'm going to confirm that we're beyond the minimum four weeks behind relative to a "normal" season. Now I can verify the 6-8 weeks later seems to be about right. As of today we anglers are netting mostly RainBows to 19"...best I've heard through the "grapevine" is a 23" Brown.

My favorite "Hat-Trick" small waters are on the cusp of optimum conditions relative to flows and water temperatures. Do remember that these, IMO, have an approximately a 10-day window of prime angling opportunity. The sequence being; initially a) the water is too high and cold. b) then, fishable flows but still too cold, c) to right flows and water temps [the "10-day window"...fish it!] and ultimately, d) water is too low and too warm...forgetaboutit!

Snow-melt and its resulting run-off is...hopefully...waning. Flows on BT remain heavy with clearing flows and warming water temps. Sub-surface methods will continue to be the most effective techniques; as well on the dammed and undammed sections of the LT. Neither two rivers have rising trout pursuing bugs at the surface...yet. "Selected" stream-inlets into stillwaters have been productive to "on-fire"...
                                                                   JR hooked-up

There is currently no access to both Webber and Milton lakes.

There will be no "dog-days of summer" this year. we'll have plenty of water during the months of August and September...everything will be 6-8 weeks behind a "normal" season...as noted above.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Sage Words from the Icons #10


“If the client brings it up, you can respond, if and only if, you agree. Even then, it is best to steer things in another direction. Most of us get mad when we think about politics, and angry people don’t fish well. I know, I’ve tried it.”
…from “Guiding & Being Guided” chapter in Sex, Death & Fly Fishing

My Comment: Over the years if a client persists with casual innuendos about politics to see where I’m coming from politically; initially I let the first few attempts slide-by, ignoring the comments. If they persist, then Frankie da Curmudgeon makes an appearance.

I’ve sort of paraphrased Gierach as in: “Politics pisses people-off. And people who are ticked-off can’t fish very well. The only politics I’m receptive to discuss, if you’re willing and you are paying for my time, is fishery politics.