Warming water?...look for bubbly water and deep slots and pockets
Throughout the month of July we've netted some decent trout. There have been sparse numbers of 20"-plus trout; more higher-end of 20"-, both Rainbows and Browns. For the bigger fish; you have to target them...and timing is important. There has not been a lot of showing fish at the surface and the most productive method has been going-down "low & slow". My tried & true advice is to go big/small in sizes in your tandem rigs and adjust the lead...as in "when in doubt, add".
...get down!...use lead
Hatches have waned, even though we haven't witnessed reliable and sustained emergences. While seining for clinics I've had to make repeated attempts to get samples of the stream's bugs...more so than in a "normal" year.
It has been an interesting July ...weather-wise. We've experienced above normal and record hot, humid days. It has exasperated the already...at times...marginal fly fishing conditions relative to low flows and warming waters.
Most recently, starting last Wednesday the 16th, the skies turned grey and foreboding; accompanied by some light sprinkles along with the distant sound of boomers and flashes of lighting. Then Thursday I flash-backed to Vietnam; a two hour deluge in the late afternoon. For sure we need the dampness and we hope it continues...the trout need all the water they can get and cooler flows.
My 3/9/14 "prognosis" has proven to be spot-on...we need a BIG winter!
The BT/LT Junction Pool
The below "ADVICE" is the best opportunity to hook/net some trout...maybe a long vacation from the water during august into September until we get cooling air temps and water flows.
If you insist on fishing the BT; whether below town or throughout the "canyon" on the California-side, do so early and leave early. I'm talking angling early AM to at the maximum noon! Water temperatures are in the high -60's even at that time; the fish can be stressed irregardless of what type of water you fish.
You'll find bigger and cooler water in the "canyon"