Friday, July 13, 2012

Defintion #13 HOLE-RUSHER


An angler who sees another angler approaching and quickly vacates where he/she is fishing.  Then at a very fast pace...or the other angler to the next hole, run or pool. In doing so they furtively look over their shoulder to make sure the other angler will not over-take them.  Unlike a "bull-rush" in football where brute-force is primarily used,  a "hole-rusher" uses speed in lieu of  muscle.

Alternately known as...a "Rush-Hole"

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Go Figure!?!

Let me figure this one...Or, can anyone help?

The winter of 2011-12 amounted to one of the five (5) LEAST amount of historical-average, precipitation years (snow and water). The previous winter of 2010-11 resulted in the 3rd MOST.

So here is my dilemma. Why is the water release out of Lake Tahoe currently 36% more than the historical average at the Tahoe City site? Right now the release is 340 cfs...average being 250 cfs.

The poor trout are definitely not comfortable relative to the warm water being released off the top of the lake...way too warm water equals unhappy trout...not to mention us fly anglers.

There has always been local...admittedly biased...unfounded and speculative guessing as to who may be "in bed with whom."

Can anyone educate me or continue the speculation?

Thursday, July 5, 2012


a---Where on the Truckee River is this imaged general area located?
b---What is the specific name for this pool?

*Johnnie da Jeweler you are not allowed on this is you!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

E-Quickie Report #8

Enjoy the 4th!

For the last couple of weeks the BT and LT have both experiened "up-ramping" flows and at time incredible bursts of wind. Now the Water Master is gradually lowering the LT flows below Stampede dam to a way-more-than-I-like 108 of today.

If one knows the where and when to go and what flies and methods to earth-shattering revelation!?...some very nice WILD trout (I do not fish planted/private waters) have and will continue to be netted.

Since I'm not guiding today and in the interest of doing some personal fishing; below I've cut and paste some e-mail communications  I've had with fishing friends and/or clients. It will give a perspective of what has occurred during the last three weeks of June and some hint of what to expect during this month of July. Some images may be added. Rest assured the info provided is and will be reliable, honest and a timely assessment of my take as to what has actually happend or will happen in the Truckee area.


6/30-----"Nice session on the LT today with two intermediate fly anglers. They hooked 13-14 trout on dries (emergent and adult Green Drakes and PMD patterns) trailing a FlashBack Pheasant Tail . Six were netted; 4 were 16", 17", 18" and 19". Two other of the minimum surface targets were easily 19"ers... hooked and played for an extended time and uncorked.

Friday's two beginners actually landed two; one each the BT and LT...small ones. They hooked about a dozen, but didn't know what to do relative to line-control...most especially two 16"plus RB's on the LT.

PS---The LT dropped to 166 cfs during the last two days..hope it stays there.!"

6/28---"...a relative novice today...still landed two RB's; one at 12" and the other 16"...ate Green Drake Cripples at the surface...a few takers were missed. The day before I was with an angler who took my basic skills clinic 4-5 years ago. It was interesting observing his skills progression since our last time together...a vast improvment...largest landed was a very "hot" 16 inch RB."

6/25---"...Monday had a nice "busman's holiday" after several days of guiding and instructing. Johnnie da Jewler was visiting and we had a 2-1/2 hour, late-day session on the BT fishing both the East and West Bridge sections of "The Loop" (at 400 cfs-plus). There were tons of emerging and up-winged PMD's along with some caddis and an occassioanl Little Yellow Stone. We hooked and landed several RB's to17" on PMD emerger and adult patterns.

Most notably I personally got "spooled" (been awhile!) by a 20"-plus 'Bow (hooked on an indicator rig with a SJ and yellow-stone nymph trailer and lots of ate the worm). Looked like we were in ACT III*. I prepared to net it, it saw me and made a strong surge and dash downstream through some heavy riffle water and into Horner's Corner and broke me off as it made a 360 swivel around a huge submerged boulder."

*read Lani Waller's River of Dreams; the last chapter entitled The Play's The Thing"...or inquire

6/21---"BT...along Glenshire...from a reliable fly angler...a 24" RB on a Green Drake dry!...After it was observed inhaling a real one!" 

6/20---" far as dry producer now on the soft water has been a #14 Yellow Stimulator. I'm thinking the Green Rock Worm adults (#14) and the Turtle-Cased caddis (explains your #18 hook-ups...Glossosoma). Yes the Stimi can be taken as a Little Yellow sotne, which is being observed in lesser numbers than the two various-sized caddis aforementioned."

6/18---"...on the water last evening after a guide trip...wet a line from 6:30-9PM...hooked four and landed three...largest a 16" RB, then a 12 incher and an 8 inch "dink." The two largest ate a #16 Organza-Winged PMD consistent risers until 8:40...rise was on all of last 20 minutes of light before I could only set-up by reacting to a splash/noise in vicinity...As Chuck Stranahan used to say..."the bath-tub" set."

6/17---"Geez...the wind today!..had a client who was competent for 1/2 day guide... It started gusting at 9AM!
...did land  one small one though...lost two large ones on LDR'S... indicator nymphing and lots of lead...As I mentioned, I too have measured 65 degree water temps at 1PM...way too early for that..."

6/16---"Main Truckee River to Boca is now producing trout now...dry/drop, indicator fishing...streamers producing in the heavier flows of the "canyon". Flows are up out of Tahoe City...regardless, waters temps are at 65 late in the day above Prosser inflow. So temps may foster an EARLY "dog-days";  high '67-71 sooner than I want...below Boca for cooler flows, but bigger water...a trade-off. Bugs are here, but, few if any consistent surface feeders eating them.

...LT flows are up above 300 cfs now...PMD nymphs and emergers are good plays right now, under an indicator." they are getting lots of tugs."